Walk Star Elaine

Walk Star Elaine

I’m married to an Italian, and he loves pasta, meatballs, and pizza.  Need I say more?

Meet Elaine!


I weighed 165 pounds and now I’m down to 134!


Elaine keeps busy as a gero-psyche nurse and the mother of a large Italian family.

There is usually no time for healthy eating and exercise.  But Leslie has greatly improved my life!

Down 31 Pounds!

I now own 10 DVD’s, and I love to change up the miles!  Thank you, Leslie, for all of your inspiration.

It’s great to be reminded how our small steps truly lead to big results.  We don’t have to give up all of the things that we love in order to achieve success.  You can have your cake and eat it, too!  (Just walk an extra mile and you are A-OKAY!)


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